Tips for Getting a Hair Weave

The hair is the crown of a person that many are finding ways to flaunt it. Others would apply hair creams and gels to make it look fuller while others prefer to add length to it by hair weaving. Anybody can get a hair weave but there are several tips that you may need to follow to get the best hair weave for your hair.

The correct Hair type

Knowing the correct type of hair that you want to add to your natural hair can affect how the extensions would look. Weaves can come from natural and synthetic hairs. Synthetic hairs are made from plastic but are easily detected and it can also damage and irritate your natural hair. Human hair is the best to use for free flowing styles.

The method of applying the hair

Tips for Getting a Hair WeaveYou can either choose from applying the hair strand by strand of by using wefts. Applying the hair strand by strand is time consuming and you may need to use a heat fusion and adhesives to finish the job. A weft is the method for applying the hair by grouping it. Makanan Sumatera Selatan Applying wefts may be done using a machine or by hands but those applied by hands given satisfying results than those made by machines.

Techniques for hair weaving

The natural hair can be braided on the scalp forming cornrows. The hair is then sewn onto the braids along with the natural hair to blend in. Bonding weave technique uses adhesives on the scalp were the hair is attached. Test for allergy on the adhesive is recommended as it can cause allergies later.

Caring for the hair

The natural hair and the extensions have to be washed regularly to achieve the look that you want. Avoid using bleach and dye on the hair. Be careful with blow drying, it can burn the extensions.